Equivariant cohomology

In mathematics, equivariant cohomology is a theory from algebraic topology which applies to spaces with a group action. It can be viewed as a common generalization of group cohomology and an ordinary cohomology theory.

Specifically, given a group G (discrete or not), a topological space X and an action

G\times X\rightarrow X,

equivariant cohomology determines a graded ring


the equivariant cohomology ring. If G is the trivial group, this is just the ordinary cohomology ring of X, whereas if X is contractible, it reduces to the group cohomology of G.


Outline construction

Equivariant cohomology can be constructed as the ordinary cohomology of a suitable space determined by X and G, called the homotopy orbit space

X_{hG} of G

on X. (The 'h' distinguishes it from the ordinary orbit space X_G.)

If G is the trivial group this space X_{hG} will turn out to be just X itself, whereas if X is contractible the space will be a classifying space for G.

Properties of the homotopy orbit space

Construction of the homotopy orbit space

The homotopy orbit space is a “homotopically correct” version of the orbit space (the quotient of X by its G-action) in which X is first replaced by a larger but homotopy equivalent space so that the action is guaranteed to be free.

To this end, construct the universal bundle EG\rightarrow BG for G and recall that EG has a free G-action. Then the product X\times EG—which is homotopy equivalent to X since EG is contractible—has a “diagonal” G-action defined by taking the G-action on each factor: moreover, this action is free since it is free on EG. So we define the homotopy orbit space to be the orbit space of this G-action.

This construction is denoted by

X_{hG} = X\times_G EG.


Further reading